Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hola amigos! Soy Ellie! This translates to: "Hello friends! I'm Ellie!"
   Spanish is one of the many new things I am learning this year. I recently was able to have a small conversation with a spanish speaking person on a game because of my newfound speaking skills, and I thought that was pretty cool. He asked if anyone spoke spanish, and I was able to say " Hablo un pocco de espanol."(I speak a little bit of spanish.)So he asked where I was from, and I told him "Estadas Unidos, y usted?" (United states, and you?) He told me he was from Colombia.
   One of the other things I am learning is guitar. I am doing this for both fun and for school. I am making faster progress than I could have dreamed, and I am having a ton of fun. Some of the songs I can play along with are 'Red River Valley', and I am working on 'Amazing Grace'. So far the only songs I know are the ones included in the program, but I am also trying to learn 'Heart-Shaped Box', by Nirvana. Another song on the program I like to play is 'Hey, ho, nobody home' Sorry I took so long to write about this months journal entry, it took me a while to think of something to write.
