Pretty face month
National egg month
Creative beginnings month
and National book month
May also contains the following holidays:
May first: Mother goose day and Save the rhino day
May second: Sibling appreciation day
May third: Lumpy run day
May fifth: Cinco de Mayo (in Latin American countries) - More avocados are sold on this day than any other day in the United States
May sixth: No diet day
May seventh: No socks day
May tenth: Trust your intuition day
May thirteenth: Mother's day, of course!
May fifteenth: Hug your cat day
May sixteenth: International sea monkey day
May thirtieth: National holiday for Joan of Arc (in France)
Ok, here are some random picture from my Ipod :P
A fail picture of my cat ^
Me in elf form, I like to imagene I am an elf somethimes haha^ My elf weakened ^cause of a new moon
A type of demon my friend made up, called a hawkeye ^ My other friend^ in her roleplay form, the blue
haired wonder
My blue haired friend again, and her friend in cartoon form^ Another hawkeye,^ a boy this timeA fail minecraft spider^ My elf turning into a warewolf.^ she was biten by one and cant turn into it during the full moon, because her elf side is strongest then
A person from a game I play^ called epic battle fantasy, and her name is Natalie A random fire girl^ and a goat
Ok, I didn't take this picture, but I made the words at the bottom on the computer :P
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