Monday, May 14, 2012

Writing a few things

Here are a few things I have been writing, the story of a heart-broken pepper, and of a snowflake who does not know that the end is coming soon...

Pepe the Pepper

Hello, I am Pepe the pepper. My life is one that is rather terrible. I have seen all of my friends ground up into salsa, or fried to go on a beef sandwich. I have escaped this fate many times, but it has cost my friends their lives, for I hide behind one of them as The Hand reaches into the cold world we call home. I saw the blinding white that lights up our world when it comes, so I moved myself slowly between Jose and Bell. The Hand searched for a while, then to my horror it grabbed Jose! I tried in vain to hold him back, but The Hand was stronger than I. Jose was lifted into the air, then the hand took him out, and our world was plunged back into the darkness once more. I tried to block out the screams that would surely follow. “Good bye, my dear friend.” I cried softly into the darkness.

So this is the story of the day I lost my friend. Take pity on pepper kind, and please, please do not again eat anything containing peppers, for it is a cruel thing to do.

Frosta the Snowflake

Frosta floated down from the sky

The big blue sky that reached so high

She loved the feeling that she could fly

She was so happy she could cry

She could not know her end was nigh

For when she hit the water,

She surely was to die

Also, if you want to see my art blog, here is the link:


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